Friday, August 29

Checking In...

My computer is fugged up with another damn virus and procrastinating I never got the wireless router I needed for my laptop to connect to the Internet so for now I'm stuck blogging from my phone which doesn't suck as much balls as I originally thought that it would but still its not the same. Nevertheless that is why I haven't been around as much. Well that and I've been killing myself working crazy 12 hour shifts...

But I missed this mucho!!! So much has been going on in life and in love I've been desperately craving this outlet blogging gives me so I had to find away to get back to it.

For now I'm much to tired to work everything out in my head as far as all thats been going on so we'll save it all for another day. Just wanted to see how this mobile blogging works and giddily screech "I'm back bitches!!!" :D

Sent from my iPhone