Sunday, September 7


You know when people say I have good news and I have bad which one do you want first? Well my answer is always the bad and so in keeping with tradition I guess I'll start this blog off with the bad and then end on a good note. So without further ado...

Bad: I've totally decided to cut my family off. Besides my immediates... my mom, grandmom, brother, Uncle U and a smatter (ok so I think I just made that word up but whatevs. Definition: n. few, not many) of cousins-I'm done. I deal with enough fake bitches on a day to day basis, hell I expect and may even tolerate it with non-significant others but with my own blood, I refuse. If you can't trust/depend on family then who else? Fugg 'em! But anyhoo...

Good: I LOVE my girls! Thanks to them this year my birthday didn't suck not even a little. I am so happy to have met them and have them in my life. I hope I can be half the friend to them that they are to me. I just love 'em. Viva la "triplets"!! (As our professor likes to call us.)

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