Thursday, February 26


I've been contemplating whether or not I believe in signs. I heard in a movie once that all good signs come in threes. Right now I am so torn, and it's all over this UCLA interview. I want more than anything to go, but I pretty much have been back and forth about whether or not I'll actually make it simply because it is so friggin expensive.

Last time I checked with myself the answer was a definite no. But then I've been getting these little signs, that maybe I should go. First I was in the OR last night and in walks the circulating nurse with a "UCLA Nursing" lanyard around her neck. Then today I had the most fabulous day in the NICU, which is one of the units I'm scheduled to interview for. Like I can totally see myself doing that as a career. It felt...I don't know, RIGHT. Like home. Like that is what I'm supposed to be doing for the rest of my life.

One more "sign" and I figure I absolutely MUST go!! The price is killer though, so I don't know if it's finacially feasible [especially if I spend all that money and don't get it], but I really really want to now. The way I see it I have like two maybe three more days to decide... so I hope the decision comes easily between now and then. I hate to say this, but I'm going to go to bed and pray about it. Please Lord: if this job is good for me, if it's meant, if it's what you have planned for me, please make this whole trip and interview business happen. Thanks, MsLL.